
Denver Union Station
Denver Union Station
Denver Union Station
  • 客户 Continuum Partners
  • 专业知识 交通运输
  • 地点 Denver, Colorado, United States

通过将 20 英亩的前铁路站场改造成主要的区域交通中心,这座城市的旧火车大厅及其周边环境通过 21 世纪以交通为导向的发展愿景获得了新的生机。

  • 状态 Construction Complete
  • 完成年份 2014
  • 尺寸 占地面积: 19.50 acres 建筑高度: 70 feet 楼层数: 3
  • 交通方式 Bikes,Bus,Heavy Rail,Light Rail,Taxis/Rideshare
  • 奖项
    2018, Award of Merit: Urban Planning/Design, AIA New York State 2015, Global Award for Excellence, Urban Land Institute (ULI) 2014, Green Good Design Award, Chicago Athenaeum 2014, Excellence in Structural Engineering, National Council of Structural Engineers Association 2013, Excellence in Structural Engineering, Structural Engineering Association of New York 2013, Spark Transport: Gold, Spark Awards 2014, National Honor Award for Urban Design, American Institute of Architects (AIA) 2014, National Award of Merit for Transportation, Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) 2014, Project of the Year, Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) 2014, Best Project (Western Region): Airport / Transit, Engineering News Record 2014, National Award of Excellence for Transportation, Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) 2018, Award of Merit: AIANYS + ASLANY Transportation and Infrastructure, AIA – New York State 2015, IDEAS2 - National Award for Excellence in Steel-Frame Building Design (Projects, American Institute Of Steel Construction
  • 可持续性认证
    LEED BD+C NC (New Construction) Certified LEED BD+C NC (New Construction) Gold
  • 合作者
    Hargreaves Associates DMJM Harris AECOM Clanton & Associates Iron Horse Architects Ron Straka, FAIA Tamara Kudrycki Design
  • 状态 Construction Complete
  • 完成年份 2014
  • 尺寸 占地面积: 19.50 acres 建筑高度: 70 feet 楼层数: 3
  • 交通方式 Bikes,Bus,Heavy Rail,Light Rail,Taxis/Rideshare
  • 奖项
    2018, Award of Merit: Urban Planning/Design, AIA New York State 2015, Global Award for Excellence, Urban Land Institute (ULI) 2014, Green Good Design Award, Chicago Athenaeum 2014, Excellence in Structural Engineering, National Council of Structural Engineers Association 2013, Excellence in Structural Engineering, Structural Engineering Association of New York 2013, Spark Transport: Gold, Spark Awards 2014, National Honor Award for Urban Design, American Institute of Architects (AIA) 2014, National Award of Merit for Transportation, Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) 2014, Project of the Year, Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) 2014, Best Project (Western Region): Airport / Transit, Engineering News Record 2014, National Award of Excellence for Transportation, Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) 2018, Award of Merit: AIANYS + ASLANY Transportation and Infrastructure, AIA – New York State 2015, IDEAS2 - National Award for Excellence in Steel-Frame Building Design (Projects, American Institute Of Steel Construction
  • 可持续性认证
    LEED BD+C NC (New Construction) Certified LEED BD+C NC (New Construction) Gold
  • 合作者
    Hargreaves Associates DMJM Harris AECOM Clanton & Associates Iron Horse Architects Ron Straka, FAIA Tamara Kudrycki Design

21 世纪的交通联运枢纽

丹佛联合车站历史悠久,火车站大楼堪称学院派风格(Beaux-Arts)建筑杰作。全新落成的露天列车大厅位于大楼之后,成为了扩建后的亮点。露天列车大厅标志性的起伏结构既延续了以火车站大楼为中轴的对称性特色,又体现了新旧建筑间的动静反差。一条长达两个街区的繁忙步行大道将露天列车大厅与 SOM 设计的丹佛联合车站轻轨客运站相连,改善了车站内及周边的步行和公共空间的动线和交通网络,使这座交通联运枢纽与周边社区无缝地融于一体。

Denver Union Station

车站地下层的联合车站巴士集合大厅设有 22 个登车口,为 16 条地区性班车、快巴及本地巴士路线提供服务。该巴士总站长 300 米(980 英尺),同时充当着步行集合大厅,与遍布该交通功能空间的纵横交通运输网相连。明艳的色彩和自然采光有助于乘客辨别方向,而堂皇的水磨石地板和闪亮的黄色玻璃瓷砖则为车站烘托出别致情调,一改通常索然无味的车站出行体验。大量的天窗和玻璃顶篷令大厅充满了光线,更为车站增添了几分活力和开阔感。

丹佛联合车站铁路站场旧址再开发项目是美国同类项目中规模最大的项目之一,也是以交通运输为导向的城市设计之力的一个案例。这项巨额公共投资催生了一波史无前例的私营业务投资热潮。丹佛联合车站的设计既尊重其具有历史意义的地理位置,又以根本的前瞻性视角体现出高精技术和城市建设精神,为 21 世纪的联运枢纽树立起了典范标准。


为清晰地传达丹佛联合火车站的身份与意义,SOM 结构工程师和建筑师团队以喷漆钢结构为列车大厅制定了统一的视觉语言,并联手打造综合运用钢结构及膜结构的多重顶蓬,覆盖车站多处,包括体量庞大的中央列车大厅。这一标志性的覆膜结构横跨近 54.8 米(180 英尺),覆盖多条铁轨,是最为有效、经济且正统的建筑形式。

The primary structural system for the train hall consists of 11 steel arch-trusses that support a tensioned PTFE fabric. These trusses span nearly 180 feet from a single large-diameter pin connection atop 18-foot-tall arched column supports. Each truss is stabilized by bracing struts. At the center of the train hall, the arch-trusses are replaced by cantilevered trusses, opening the canopy to the sky. In profile, the canopy rises 70 feet at either end and descends in a dynamic sweep to 22 feet at the center—a gesture that protects the passenger platforms below while providing views of the historic station.
Denver Union Station
Denver Union Station

车站大厅的主体结构由 11 座起拱钢桁架组成,以支撑张拉式聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)膜结构。每个桁架跨径近 55 米(180 英尺),通过单个大直径销式接头与高 5.5 米(18 英尺)的拱柱相连接,并以多根斜撑柱辅助固定。在车站大厅的中央,起拱桁架被悬挑桁架取代,以开启顶篷,露出天空。从外轮廓来看,顶篷两端离地 21 米(70 英尺),再以钟摆方式向中心下沉至 6.7 米(22 英尺)。这一造型既能保护下方的旅客站台,又能尽显这座历史性车站的风采。


