
Guoco Yower
Guoco Tower


  • 状态 已建成
  • 完成年份 2018
  • 设计完成年 2012
  • 尺寸 占地面积: 23 英亩 建筑高度: 290 米 楼层数: 64 总建筑面积: 157,608.27 平方米
  • 交通方式 Subway
  • 奖项
    2014, WAN Mixed-Use Award (Unbuilt), World Architecture News (WAN) 2018, Shortlist: Commercial Project, World Architecture News (WAN) 2017, Asia Property Awards: Best Office Development, PropertyGuru 2017, Asia Property Awards: Best Luxury Condo Development, PropertyGuru 2017, Asia Property Awards: Best Hotel Development, PropertyGuru 2017, Landmark Development Leadership Award, Built Environment Industry 2017, Asia Property Awards: Best Retail Development, PropertyGuru 2017, Asia Property Awards: Best Mixed Use Development, PropertyGuru 2017, Asia Property Awards: Best Green Development, PropertyGuru 2018, Top Development Excellence Award, EdgeProp Singapore 2018, Innovation Excellence Award, EdgeProp Singapore 2018, Landscape Excellence Award, EdgeProp Singapore 2018, Design Excellence Award, EdgeProp Singapore 2018, Hotel Development Excellence Award, EdgeProp Singapore 2018, Integrated Development Excellence Award, EdgeProp Singapore 2019, Award of Excellence: Urban Habitat - Single Site Category, Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) 2019, Global Award for Excellence, Urban Land Institute (ULI) 2019, Commendation for Urban Design, AIA – International Region Chapter 2019, Property Award for Mixed-Use Development, International Real Estate Federation (FIABCI ) 2015, BIM Gold Award, Singapore Building and Construction Authority 2019, Best Design: Land Transport Integration, Land Transport Authority / Singapore 2019, Asia Pacific Awards for Excellence, Urban Land Institute Asia Pacific 2017, BEI Asia Landmark Development Leadership Award, PTL Media Group
  • 可持续性认证
    LEED BD+C NC (New Construction) Gold BCA Singapore Green Mark Platinum
  • 合作者
    Architects 61 Pte Ltd. Meinhardt (Singapore) Pte Ltd Cicada Ltd Singapore Arup Singapore Pte Ltd Lighting Planners Associates Inc. Wilson Associates
  • 状态 已建成
  • 完成年份 2018
  • 设计完成年 2012
  • 尺寸 占地面积: 23 英亩 建筑高度: 290 米 楼层数: 64 总建筑面积: 157,608.27 平方米
  • 交通方式 Subway
  • 奖项
    2014, WAN Mixed-Use Award (Unbuilt), World Architecture News (WAN) 2018, Shortlist: Commercial Project, World Architecture News (WAN) 2017, Asia Property Awards: Best Office Development, PropertyGuru 2017, Asia Property Awards: Best Luxury Condo Development, PropertyGuru 2017, Asia Property Awards: Best Hotel Development, PropertyGuru 2017, Landmark Development Leadership Award, Built Environment Industry 2017, Asia Property Awards: Best Retail Development, PropertyGuru 2017, Asia Property Awards: Best Mixed Use Development, PropertyGuru 2017, Asia Property Awards: Best Green Development, PropertyGuru 2018, Top Development Excellence Award, EdgeProp Singapore 2018, Innovation Excellence Award, EdgeProp Singapore 2018, Landscape Excellence Award, EdgeProp Singapore 2018, Design Excellence Award, EdgeProp Singapore 2018, Hotel Development Excellence Award, EdgeProp Singapore 2018, Integrated Development Excellence Award, EdgeProp Singapore 2019, Award of Excellence: Urban Habitat - Single Site Category, Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) 2019, Global Award for Excellence, Urban Land Institute (ULI) 2019, Commendation for Urban Design, AIA – International Region Chapter 2019, Property Award for Mixed-Use Development, International Real Estate Federation (FIABCI ) 2015, BIM Gold Award, Singapore Building and Construction Authority 2019, Best Design: Land Transport Integration, Land Transport Authority / Singapore 2019, Asia Pacific Awards for Excellence, Urban Land Institute Asia Pacific 2017, BEI Asia Landmark Development Leadership Award, PTL Media Group
  • 可持续性认证
    LEED BD+C NC (New Construction) Gold BCA Singapore Green Mark Platinum
  • 合作者
    Architects 61 Pte Ltd. Meinhardt (Singapore) Pte Ltd Cicada Ltd Singapore Arup Singapore Pte Ltd Lighting Planners Associates Inc. Wilson Associates


国浩大厦坐落于新加坡最负盛名的几大核心区域的中心。国浩大厦地处中央商务区,南临历史风貌显著的唐人街,东接日新月异的新兴开发区,是这座滨水城市当之无愧的门户地标。国浩大厦实现了新加坡市区重建局(Singapore Urban Redevelopment Authority)与国浩房地产有限公司(GuocoLand)的共同愿景,打造出富有活力且引人入胜的公共场所、有顶棚的实用户外集会空间以及可持续的城市环境。

Guoco Tower


本项目由两幢建筑构成,一幢为总高 290 米,共 64 层的大楼,也是新加坡的最高建筑;另一幢为独自伫立、高 20 层的新加坡市中心索菲特酒店。高楼主要由甲级办公区域和位于其上的奢华公寓组成。6 层高的裙楼设有多层停车库、商铺、餐厅、娱乐等配套设施,并与地下步行网络衔接,可直通丹戎巴葛(Tanjong Pagar)地铁站。

Guoco Tower


国浩大厦紧密联结着新加坡的商业区和历史悠久的文化街区,整幢大厦的体量特点亦直接彰显着这一设计主旨。64 层的摩天大楼拔地而起,与旁边的商业区及周边环境有机融合,象征着规模与繁华;20 层的新加坡市中心索菲特酒店则依偎着历史悠久的唐人街,犹如衔接古老与簇新的桥梁。大厦主楼的整体线条随着建筑向上延展而逐渐收窄,并在建筑上部的三分之一处加入退台设计。这样的轮廓设计赋予了整幢建筑独特的象征寓意,从东西两面看去,它分别代表着汉字中的“入”与“人”,象征着新加坡热情相迎全球来宾的国际化地位与身份。

Guoco Tower
Guoco Tower

设施齐备 造福邻里

该公园是居于整个项目中心位置的明珠。整个公园占地面积 8000 余平方米,多个精心设计的空间由各入口处开始次序相连。延对角线方向铺设的小径直接通向公园的中央地带,可令游人轻松自如地抵达设有顶棚、占地面积 3000 平方米的“城市空间(City Room)”,此处可用于举办多种社区活动及公共艺术展览。空间内外的众多咖啡厅和餐厅组成了生机勃勃的零售业态,以景观绿化装饰的多部楼梯可引领市民和游人直达地铁站上方的一众屋顶花园。


本项目已获得 Green Mark 铂金级认证和 LEED 铂金级认证。其地面部分“城市空间(City Room)”的顶棚设计是对可持续理念进行创新性运用的鲜明典范。顶棚玻璃的屋顶光伏设施(BIPV)可保证在充分吸收太阳能的同时,令阳光柔和地洒向空间内部。该顶篷可为本项目提供高达总用电量的 2%。采用 BIPV 技术的光伏面板还可以认证等级标准协助公共空间制冷,并辅助空间内部的空气从东向西流动。外侧玻璃墙壁采用 Low-E 涂层双层镀银玻璃,可有效隔绝太阳光照产生的热度,同时保证充足的室内自然采光。整个项目遍布着郁郁葱葱的景观植被,设有便捷的自行车骑行车道,并与地铁站直接相连,充分鼓励市民与游客利用公共交通资源。

Guoco Tower

